Thursday, May 26, 2011

And so the Journey begins

Our cruise was truly a dream come true. Everyone talks about places they want to go and things they want to see but those are usually dreams that are just that . . dreams. I realize how fortunate I am to see so many of my dreams turn into reality.  I attribute this to my wonderful husband who turns our thoughts and dreams into realistic steps. He is the planner and organizer and it still amazes me that we have been able to do and see so many things!

While the cruise afforded us to see so many places it was a very busy time. We hit the ground running and haven’t stopped to process or recover from it all. I worked 6 days straight before we left and tomorrow is my first day off in a while that will truly a day off. I'll do my best to post more pictures and get blogs ready as I plan to post one location a day.

Thanks to my Blog I can share our experience with our family and friends scattered throughout the US. It will also be my time to reflect on every place we went individually and my attempt to remember every aspect of our trip, to have it to look back on.

Our journey began on Thursday; we both woke up early and headed out to work. We had completely packed the night before and just had a mere 8 hour shift to survive before VACATION! Once we both go home we packed up the car and headed to my parents to drop off my baby as they so graciously offered to puppy sit for us! 

We spent the night there, woke up bright and early and the trip officially began. We had a 3 hour drive to Miami and took a little longer than expected thanks to a flipped car on Alligator Alley that caused bumper to bumper traffic. Once we made it through we headed to airport parking only to wait 45 minute for the shuttle bus . . . what took so long? Who knows – but once we made it into the airport we were home free and ready for our 9 hour flight. We settled in and thanks for a Tylenol PM I slept pretty good and was ready to see the sights of Barcelona!

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