Monday, December 12, 2011

A year of Food, Family & Friends

Can you believe I've been bogging for a YEAR?!? 

Maybe you can but for me I'm a little awestruck and a tad proud of myself. 

My original goal was to cook all the family recipes I received in a wedding gift cook book form my MIL. My mission was to make everything in the course of our first year of marriage. To be honest there are still quite a few recipes that I have yet to attempt. So I may not have mastered them ALL, I am satisfied with the attempt and the habit it has created. It has helped me break free of the chicken for dinner every night of the week routine and has brought a smile to the face of my husband after a long day at work too many times to count!

While I will continue to cook and try new recipes I'm thinking of changing up my posting focus. I've been trying to decide what direction to take for the last month or so and while it might not be the topic for an entire year I've decided to take you on our "new home owner" journey. I'll take you room by room and show you start to finish how we put our own stamp on the place. Biggest problem now is that I don't have one room complete! The living room, kitchen and bedroom are close but each miss a piece or two from my complete vision! I have a few projects that we have worked on and a few on my to do list so I may tackle some projects before the big reveal of an entire room.

I'll still add in a recipe every now and then so thanks for reading and bare with me as we start a new journey!

Wish me LUCK!

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