Monday, November 11, 2013

Mother's Day

Today is Mothers Day and for as long as I can remember its always been a day of reflection of years gone by and memories made with the most amazing mother in the world. I cant get over how blessed I am. My mother is fantastic and hearing about other peoples negative experiences, interaction and relationships with their mother I know how truly blessed I am.

Then an equally amazing mother in Love was added to the mix. Not only and I blessed My husband had a great mother growing up and I am double blessed by having her in my life. There are so many MONSTER in LAW stories that its easy to assume that the relationship between Daughters and Mothers in law can not be good but its great to break the mold and have a great relationship with her too!

After all the reflection of things gone by this year there has been a shift. Mothers day for the first time has me looking forward, to the future. Only its not a calming, peaceful or joyful place to be. Instead I am filled with Anxiety and stress. After 7 months of "trying" I cant help but wonder why is hasn't happened yet. I know that I am young and this is normal but the thoughts and fears are still there. For as long as I can remember I wanted kids and couldn't wait to be a mom, now that the right time is here its seems to be harder that expected.. I had thought that by now there would be news to share, to much excitement to contain and visions of babies in the future, instead its another negative pregnancy test.

Here is a deep breath, a moment to focus on what is and a conscious decision to stop stressing and enjoy moments like this. Moments of peace, quiet, fond memories and dreams of the future.

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